The Summer of Print On Demand

Vía: Teleread
Oh, to end the confusion! Print on demand is a technologyuseful to quality-minded publishers, big and small, traditional or indie. Dont associate the term simply with slapdash books from vanity presses.
The publisher of the memoirs of Scott McClellan, ex-White House press secretary, used POD to keep up with demand. And now Epicenter Press is doing the same with its new Sara Palin bio. Thanks to technical advances, POD books are harder than ever to tell apart from traditional ones. Good little small presses are embracing POD along with e-book tech.
While POD printing can cost more, theres something else to consider if youre a house "stuck" with a sold-out bestsellerthe need to keep the book moving and in the public eye. PW Editor in Chief Sara Nelson makes a similar point and many other good ones in The Summer of POD.
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